Sewer Cable is Offering a Full Range of Products For the Entire Sewer Industry.
We repair & service all makes of drain cleaning equipment
- and Ridgid See Snake Camera Equipment
- Burton Powersnake Pattern
- General Wire Products
- Gorlitz Sewer & Drain
- Jetting Machines
- Electric Eel
- Ridgid
- Spartan
- Flexible
If you are not local to Las Vegas you can ship your equipment to us!
Sewer Cable Equipment Company is an authorized sales, service and repair center for Ridgid See Snake camera pipe inspection. Locating and leak detection equipment. Also, complete service on all makes of jetter equipment.
Kinked cables are conclusive evidence of abuse and/or misuse. A Coiled Cable cannot be forced, nor can a long length of cable be pushed ahead of the rotating machine without running the risk of kinking. In the event of a kinked cable, cut out damaged section and splice for continued service. If proper cable size is used and equipment is operated as close as possible to pipe outlets, while held securely, kinking of cable will not occur. Always penetrate line slowly, never force cable as action at end of cable disperses blockage not cable pressure.
ACIDS: Drano, Liquid Plumber and other “easy” chemical remedies leave acid residue in the drain. No matter how diluted, acid solutions cause crystallization of steel cables which can easily be identified. If possible, the drain should be flushed before cleaning. Obviously, this cannot be done in many cases. Where flushing is impossible, wash cable with garden hose as soon as stoppage has been cleared.
Don’t Forget… We Sell all cables; our cables are made with high quality music wire.
- Machines by Burton Powersnake, Ridgid, Gorlitz, General & Electric Eel
- Jetters by Ridgid, General, Gorlitz,
- Sewer Camera equipment by Ridgid, See Snake & General
- Line Locating Equipment by Ridgid & General
- PVC Ugly Gloves, Double Palm Leather Gloves & Staples Palm Leather Mitts
- Toliet Auger by Burton Powersnake, General & Ridgid
- Ridgid Cable Rust Inhibitor & Snake Oil by General
- Cables for Burton Powersnake, Ridgid, General, Gorlitz, and most other Manufactures.
- Cable Blades, Holders, Ends Connectors & Splicers
- Repair on Most All Machines

Sewer Cable Equipment Company is an authorized sales, service and repair center for Ridgid See Snake camera pipe inspection. Locating and leak detection equipment. Also, complete service on all makes of jetter equipment.
Kinked cables are conclusive evidence of abuse and/or misuse. A Coiled Cable cannot be forced, nor can a long length of cable be pushed ahead of the rotating machine without running the risk of kinking. In the event of a kinked cable, cut out damaged section and splice for continued service. If proper cable size is used and equipment is operated as close as possible to pipe outlets, while held securely, kinking of cable will not occur. Always penetrate line slowly, never force cable as action at end of cable disperses blockage not cable pressure.
ACIDS: Drano, Liquid Plumber and other “easy” chemical remedies leave acid residue in the drain. No matter how diluted, acid solutions cause crystallization of steel cables which can easily be identified. If possible, the drain should be flushed before cleaning. Obviously, this cannot be done in many cases. Where flushing is impossible, wash cable with garden hose as soon as stoppage has been cleared.
Don’t Forget… We Sell all cables; our cables are made with high quality music wire.
- Machines by Burton Powersnake, Ridgid, Gorlitz, General & Electric Eel
- Jetters by Ridgid, General, Gorlitz,
- Sewer Camera equipment by Ridgid, See Snake & General
- Line Locating Equipment by Ridgid & General
- PVC Ugly Gloves, Double Palm Leather Gloves & Staples Palm Leather Mitts
- Toliet Auger by Burton Powersnake, General & Ridgid
- Ridgid Cable Rust Inhibitor & Snake Oil by General
- Cables for Burton Powersnake, Ridgid, General, Gorlitz, and most other Manufactures.
- Cable Blades, Holders, Ends Connectors & Splicers
- Repair on Most All Machines